St. John Paul II explained that “human beings, independently of the conditions in which they live or of what they are able to express, have a unique dignity and a special value from the very beginning of their life until the moment of natural death.” But the recognition of the dignity of each person cannot remain simply a slogan. “People with disabilities,” for example, “must be enabled to participate in social life as far as they can, and helped to fulfill all their physical, psychological and spiritual potential.” Efforts to assist the disabled, moreover, must consider the needs of the individual. “Indeed, justice calls for continual and loving attention to the lives of others and a response to the special and different needs of every individual, taking into consideration his or her abilities and limitations.”
Are you experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, anger and frustration struggles, family of origin concerns? Is your adjustment to college life not going as smoothly as you would like? Are you concerned about self-esteem or self-image issues, difficulties forming friendships, or intimacy matters? Drug and alcohol abuse, past or recent trauma, self-harm issues?
The University of Dallas does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational and employment programs and activities, and it does not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex. University policy prohibits sex-based discrimination and harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, stalking, and retaliation ("prohibited conduct").
As part of its living out of the Catholic faith, the University of Dallas is committed to providing work, living, and learning environments that are free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The university does not tolerate conduct that is inconsistent with this commitment. Its Civil Rights Policy represents the policy of the University of Dallas and is also in fulfillment of its duties under federal and state law.
Civil Rights and Title IX
Anyone who has experienced or becomes aware of discrimination, harassment, or some other form of discrimination or harassment is strongly encouraged to report it to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, which is responsible for overseeing compliance with the Civil Rights Policy, including coordinating supportive measures to those who may be victims, and investigating allegations when a formal complaint has been filed.
Student Leaders for Racial Solidarity
Dr. Jose Espericueta - Faculty Advisor, 972-721-5354
John Paul (JP) - President,
Laura Gaitan - Public Relations Coordinator,