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Provides full text of journal articles in addition to abstracts from conferences and proceedings from the Association of Computing Machinery. (ACM - Direct) Remote Access with University Network Account. ACM is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
Business Source Complete is a top database for finding research articles on many business topics including: accounting, finance, industries, international business, and management. It includes peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, company profiles, and more. Another useful database for finding business articles and information is is ABI Inform. Business Source Complete is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
In-depth coverage of high tech topics, including computer science, programming, AI, cybernetics, robotics and software. (EBSCO) Remote Access with University Network Account. Computer Source is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
Covers subjects relevant to the scientific and technical community. Topics include aeronautics, astrophysics, chemistry, computer technology, geology, aviation, physics, archaeology, and materials science. (EBSCO) Remote Campus Access with University Network Account. Science & Technology Collection is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
More than 30,100 titles in a range of topics such as chemistry, physics, math, geology, geography, IT, computer science, gaming, engineering, agriculture, environmental studies, natural history, medicine, and more. Science & Technology EBook is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
Small Business Source contains more than 450 full-text reference books and nearly 400 full-text periodicals that provide detailed “how-to” instructions. It addresses small business topics, such as buying and selling a business, managing employees, writing a business plans, and understanding legal information. (EBSCO) Remote Access with University Network Account. Small Business Source is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas. Small Business Source is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.