The following titles were ordered and received September-October, 2021:
- The Republic of Plato edited by Allan Bloom (three copies)
- Latin American Art Since 1900 by Edward Lucie-Smith
- The Soul of the World by Roger Scruton (two copies)
- The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford World's Classics) by Aristotle (three copies)
- The Gawain Poet: Complete Works edited by Marie Borroff (three copies)
- The Aeneid (Vintage Classics) by Virgil (two copies)
- Crime and Punishment (Vintage Classics) by Fyodor Dostoevsky (four copies)
- The Iliad of Homer translated by Richard Lattimore (four copies)
- Aristotle and the Eleatic One (Oxford Aristotle Studies Series) by Timothy Clarke
- Art and Design Fundamentals by Steven Bleicher
- The Reconstruction Amendments: The Essential Documents, Volume 1 by Kurt T. Lash
- The Chronicle of Ireland (Translated Texts for Historians) by T.M. Charles-Edwards
- Republics of Knowledge: Nations of the Future in Latin America by Nicola Miller
- The Mystery of Marriage: A Theology of the Body and the Sacrament by Perry J. Cahall
- Guiide to Byzantine Historical Writing by Leonora Neville
- Empire by Invitation: William Walker and Manifest Destiny in Central America by Michel Gobat
- A Companion to the Roman Republic by Nathan Rosenstein
- The End of the Roman Republic 146 to 44 B.C.: Conquest and Crisis (The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome) by Catherine Steel
- Rome and the Mediterranean 290 to 146 B.C.: The Imperial Republic (The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome) by Nathan Rosenstein
- The Earliest Romans: A Character Sketch by Ramsay MacMullen
- La Prensa Femenina en Espana (Desde sus Origenes a 1868) (Biblioteca de Nuestro Mundo, Cronos) (Spanish edition) by Inmaculada Jimenez Morell
- The Reconstruction Amendments: The Essential Documents, Volume 2 by Kurt T. Lash
- Seeing with New Eyes: Highlights of the Michael C. Carlos Museum Collection of Art of the Ancient Americas by Rebecca Stone-Miller
- Art of T.S. Eliot by Helen Gardner
- Modern French Theatre from Giraudoux to Beckett by Jacques Guicharnaud
- Early Modern Aristotelianism and the Making of Philosophical Disciplines: Metaphysics, Ethics and Politics (Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition) by Danilo Facca
- Miracles by Sono Ayako
- A World of Our Own by Frances Borzello
- Human Consciousness of God in the Book of Job: A Theological and Psychological Commentary by Jeffrey Boss
- The Light that Binds: A Study in Thomas Aquinas' Metaphysics of Natural Law by Stephen L. Brock
- The Kingdom and the Garden (The Italian List) by Giorgio Agamben
- Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Plays by Women: The Early Twenty-First Century by Penny Farfan
- Collected Plays and Teleplays (Irish Literature) by Flann O'Brien
- Cyclops: The Myth and Its Cultural History by Mercedes Aguirre
- Changes of Heart: A Study of the Poetry of W.H. Auden (Perspectives in Criticism) by Gerald B. Nelson
- Little English Handbook: The Choices and Conventions (Longman Classics Edition) by Edward Corbett
- In the Footsteps of St. Paul: An Academic Symposium; Papers Presented at the Pauline Symposium, October 11-16, 2008
- The Eulogius Corpus (Translated Texts for Historians LUP) by Kenneth Baxter Wolf
- Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe by Judith Herrin
- Margins and Metropolis: Authority Across the Byzantine Empire by Judith Herrin
- Spanish Fascist Writing (Toronto Iberic) by Maria Soledad Barbon
- Emotions in Plato (Brill's Plato Studies) by Laura Candiotto
- The Late (Wild) Augustine (Augustinius-Werk Und Wirkung) by Christopher M. Blunda
- The Golden Thread: The Ageless Wisdom of the Mystery Traditions by Joscelyn Godwin
- The Map of Knowledge: A Thousand-Year History of How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found by Violet Moller
- Fiery Pool: The Maya and the Mythic Sea by Daniel Finamore
- Perspectives on Anton Bruckner by Crawford Howie
- The History of Middle-Earth (Three volumes) by Christopher Tolkein
- Frodo's Journey: Discover the Hidden Meaning of The Lord of the Rings by Joseph Pearce
- "Schlafes Bruder": Hintergrunde und Enstehungsgeschichte der Toccata von Enjott Schneider (German Edition) by Sarah Christine Weiler
- Die Konzeption des Genies in Robert Schneiders Schlafes Bruder (German Edition) by Mark Werner
- The National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States of America
- Ukrainian Woman Writers and the National Imaginary: From the Collapse of the USSR to the Euromaiden by Oleksandra Wallo
- The Poetry of Derek Mahon by Hugh Haughton
- Michael Psellos: Rhetoric and Authorship in Byzantium by Stratis Papaioannou
- The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties by Eric Zolov
- The Cambridge History of Native American Literature by Melanie Benson Taylor
- Unrivaled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium by Judith Herrin
- Being and Nothingness: An Essay in Phenomenological Ontology by Jean-Paul Sartre
- False Mercy: Recent Heresies Distorting Catholic Truth by Christopher Malloy
- To Raise Up a Nation: John Brown, Frederick Douglass, and the Making of a Free Country by William S. King
- Heidegger on Truth: Its Essence and Its Fate (New Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics) by Graeme Nicholson
- Spinoza on Learning to Live Together by Susan James
- Eighty-Eight Years: The Long Death of Slavery in the United States: 1777-1865 (Race in the Atlantic World) by Patrick Rael
- On Juneteenth by Annette Gordon-Reed
- Transforming Ministry Formation by Edward P. Hahnenberg
- The National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States of America
- The Golden Thread: The Ageless Wisdom of the Western Mystery Traditions by Joscelyn Godwin
- The Map of Knowledge: A Thousand-Year History of How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found by Violet Moller
- Fiery Pool: The Maya and the Mythic Sea by Daniel Finamore
- Perspectives on Anton Bruckner by Crawford Howie
- The History of Middle-earth Boxed Set by Christopher Tolkein
- Frodo's Journey: Discover the Hidden Meaning of The Lord of the Rings by Joseph Pearce
- "Schlafes Bruder": Hintergrunde und Enstehungsgeschichte der Toccata von Enjott Schneider (German Edition) by Sarah Christine Weiler
- Die Konzeption des Genies in Robert Schneiders Schlafes Bruder (German Edition) by Mark Werner
- The Late Augustine (Augustinius-Werk Und Wirkung) by Christopher M. Blunda
- Emotions in Plato (Brill's Plato Studies) by Laura Candiotto
- Ravenna: Capital of Empire, Crucible of Europe by Judith Herrin
- Margins and Metropolis: Authority Across the Byzantine Empire by Judith Herrin
- Spanish Fascist Writing (Toronto Iberic) by Maria Soledad Barbon
- The Eulogius Corpus (Translated Texts for Historians) Kenneth Baxter Wolf
- In the Footsteps of St. Paul: An Academic Symposium, Paper Presented at the Pauline Symposium, October 11-16, 2008 by Demetrios Trakatellis
- The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays (Arts & Letters) by Charles Baudelaire
- The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War by Louis Menard
- T.S. Eliot's Ascetic Ideal (Costerus New Series) by Joshua Richards
- Pascal: Reasoning and Belief by Michael Moriarty
- Being "In Christ" in the Letters of Paul: Saved Through Christ and in His Hands by Teresa Morgan
- Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay Knobel
- Augustus: Image and Substance by Barbara Levick
- Strangers on the Earth by James W. Thompson
- Heavenly Fatherland: German Missionary Culture and Globalization in the Age of Empire by Jeremy Best
- Bruno Dumont ou le Cinema des Z'humains (French Edition) by Alain Brossat
- The Passion of Charles Peguy: Literature, Modernity, and the Crisis of Historicism by Glenn H. Roe
- Carnal Spirit: The Revolutions of Charles Peguy by Matthew W. Maguire
- The Odes of John Keats by Helen Vendler (two copies)
- In These Times: Living in Britain Through Napoleon's Wars, 1793-1815 by Jenny Uglow
- Claudius Caesar: Image and Power in the Early Roman Empire by Josiah Osgood
- South to Freedom: Runaway Slaves to Mexico and the Road to the Civil War by Alice L. Baumgartner
- Letters and People of the Spanish Indies: Sixteenth Century (Cambridge Latin American Studies, Series Number 22) by James Lockhart
- The Soviet Writers' Union and Its Leaders: Identity and Authority Under Stalin (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory) by Carol Any
- Mark Bradford by Christopher Bedford
- The Limits of Racial Domination: Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico City, 1660-1720 by Douglas R. Cope
- Envisioning the Framework: A Graphic Guide to Information Literacy by Janette L. Finch
- The Love of Painting: Genealogy of a Success Medium by Isabelle Graw
- Painter's Handbook: Revised and Expanded by Mark David Gottsegen
- The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques (Fifth Ed., revised and updated) by Ralph Mayer
- Landscape Painting Now: From Pop Abstraction to New Romanticism by Barry Schwabsky
- Voix de Peguy, Echos, Resonances by Claire Daudin
- Peguy at Pascal: Les "Trois Ordres" et "L'ordre du Coeur" by Julie Higaki
- The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Medieval Iberia: Unity in Diversity (Routledge Companions to Hispanic and Latin American Studies) edited by Michael Gerli and Ryan Giles
- We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice by Mariame Kabe
- Carry On: Reflections for a New Generation by John Lewis
- The Book of Amos by M. Daniel Carroll
- The Cambridge Companion to The Canterbury Tales edited by Frank Grady
- Sir Philip Sidney: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) edited by Katherine Duncan-Jones
- Milton: The Complete Shorter Poems (Longman Annotated English Poets) by John Carey
- Carnal Spirit: The Revolutions of Charles Peguy by Matthew W. Maguire
- Bruno Dumont ou le Cinema des Z'humains (French Ed.) by Alain Brossat