Business Source Complete is a top database for finding research articles on many business topics including: accounting, finance, industries, international business, and management. It includes peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, company profiles, and more. Another useful database for finding business articles and information is is ABI Inform. Business Source Complete is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
Designed for sustainability experts and information professionals, this collection offers coverage of content relevant to many integral areas of sustainability initiative management, including full text for industry-leading journals, magazines, books, trade publications and other valuable resources. It addition, it includes expert analyses, benchmarks and best practices in sustainability initiative management selected from worldwide sources. Sustainability Reference Center is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.
Business Market Research Collection with Hoover's Company Profiles is now included in the ProQuest One Business database.
Find up to date content on both public and private companies with in depth industry analyses, company overview, summary financials, top officers, and competitors. (ProQuest - Direct) Business Market Research Collection with Hoover's Company Profiles is provided by the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library through operating funds provided by the University of Dallas.